Sunday, January 18, 2009

Introducing Peggy Schenkels and Chiquita James!

Peggy blew us away with her amazing style and original interpretation of the lyrics, especially since English is not her first language!

In Her Own Words:
My name is Peggy.
I'm 37 years old.
I'm a SAHM to 3 beautiful little angels (most of the time!) a boy, Yannis (9) and two girls, Chloƫ (8) and Christina (almost 7).
I've been together with my husband Kurt for 18 years now, and I'm happy to say I love him just as much if not more than ever!
We live in Antwerp, Belgium, a wonderful place to live.
I first started scrapping last year, around March 2008, but my addiction (yes, all you scrappin' ladies know what I am talking about!!) really took off when I joined a scrapbooking community where I met some lovely ladies sharing my passion.
At first I was only looking for a way to combine the thousands of pictures I take a year, with some kind of journal to leave my children, but it soon became more than that!
I try to put something of myself in every page I make, I aim to make it as personal as I can.
As far as style is concerned, I can honestly say I don't have one. I go where the picture or my mood at the time take me, and I like it that way.
I like the fact that every page looks different, and even I don't know beforehand what a page is going to look like. Once I'm working on a LO, it tends to start leading a life of it's own, and rarely ends up as I had envisioned.
I'm gradually learning more techniques, and my favorite one, besides doodling, has to be stitching, I do so like the look and extra value it gives to a LO.
I prefer to make my embellies, titles and such myself, and I always try to make embellies that one way or another are related to the topic.

Chiquita - or Chic created her beautiful application pieces while hooked to a heart monitor and impressed us by using the experience in one of her layouts!

In Her Own Words...
Hi fellow scrappers, my name is Chiquita James and Im a bubby at only 28 years.
I have been married for 4 years and my husband Adam and I have 2 gorgeous children, a little cheeky boy Javaan (nearly 3), and a baby girl growing up way to quick at 9 months, Indiana.
My scrapping addiction began 2 yrs ago when I was invited to a Creative Memories class.
The bug hit me right there and then.
Its a tough call deciding which is my bigger addiction... Scrapbooking or buying scrapbooking supplies!
I love discovering new techniques, and trying to incorporate them in my layouts, which means that my style is constantly changing.
I find it hard though to drag myself away from using flowers, just one of my many addictions.
I even someotimes dream about how to place my next layout! It has been known to keep me awake for hours. Sometimes even if its 3 am its just better to get up and do it will my mojo is fresh!
I'm not a pretty photo scrapper, I am a sentiment scrapper.
I chose moments, then the photo of the moment beautiful, or not, and record in journalling so I and my children can look back and reflect. My babies are a constant source of inspiration to me and I hope in turn I can be an inspiration to all of you.

Susie is away at the moment due to a family emergency, so please bear with us while we try to make the blog run as smoothly as possible!
I thank you all on behalf of both Susie and the team for your lovely comments and support while we have been launching the site!
It is much appreciated from us all!





  1. Great intros!!! LOVE their creations! :):):):):):):):):)

  2. These layouts are fabulous good getting to know you a little..XX

  3. the LO's looking forward to your challenges oxo

  4. Wow.... great intros and your submissions were just divine girls! Congrats on becoming SOngbirds and I can't wait to work alongside you beuatiful, talented gals.
    Luv Kirsti xoxo

  5. Beautiful layouts girls,,concrats on the design team positions!

  6. Great pages Peggy and Skye can't wait to see what comes next. Congrats ladies
